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licensing problems?
Need help choosing a license? Choosing a license can be difficult, if you need a quick answer, choose one of the options below.
need more info?Please consider reading some of these before contacting us for further help!
Are the beats still tagged when I purchase a license?
No, all licenses come with untagged files.
Will I own the beat once I purchase it from the store?
No. Only exclusive licenses guarantee ownership rights. All other purchases made from the Beat Store are non-exclusive. This means that the producer still has ownership rights and will still be able to license it to other artists.
Exclusive licenses and custom orders can be requested for, through the contact box.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept Creditcard and Crypto payments only.
Can I download the files directly after I make the payment?
Yes. After you’ve made the payment you will be redirected to a secure download area where you can instantly download the files.
A confirmation email, which includes the download links, will be sent as well.
I'm looking for a beat but I can't find it in the Beat Store?
There’s a search bar at the top of the Catalog page.
1. Click on “Search”
2. Type in the name of the beat and wait till it shows up.
If the beat still doesn’t show up, it might have been sold exclusively. In that case it’s no longer available.
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